On 14-15 May 2020, the SCALINGS consortium partners gathered virtually for our third annual meeting. Despite the initial concern of whether a virtual meeting with 40-50 participants would work well, the meeting went smoothly, combining various sessions ranging from knowledge sharing presentations, rich discussions to paper discussion workshops and virtual coffee breaks.
On Day 1, the partners shared insights from the Phase 2 of their empirical work which focuses on interventions, creating a more engaging dialogue between research participants and researchers. The research team at TUM shared insights on the impact of COVID-19 within the SCALINGS project and their experience of participating in the EUvsVirus hackathon.
The partners also discussed how to create a useful policy roadmap for SCALINGS and how to spread the unique knowledge gained by the partners to a wider audience through education, communication and training activities.
On Day 2 morning, the PhD students had an opportunity to present and discuss their projects with peers, advisors and experienced researchers within the consortium and in the afternoon, the researchers also had paper development workshops. We also had the General Assembly meeting and discussed what could come after SCALINGS.